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Ladies, reclaim your sexual desire! - Courtenay, BC

Sat, Jan 12


Cloud 9 Health & Wellness

Are you a single or married woman? Do you struggle to feel sexy or want to increase your ability to be sexually happy? Perhaps you’re in a long term relationship or marriage that has lost that spark or you just want to explore greater sexual fulfillment with your partner(s).

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Ladies, reclaim your sexual desire!  - Courtenay, BC
Ladies, reclaim your sexual desire!  - Courtenay, BC

Time & Location

Jan 12, 2019, 10:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Cloud 9 Health & Wellness, 319b 4th St, Courtenay, BC V9N 1G8, Canada

About the event

Every woman has the power to tap into their own glorious sexual self. All it takes is a little knowledge, understanding, an open and loving mind and a willing body. 

You're invited to this one day immersive workshop that explores the core components of self-awareness, self-care, sensuality, and eroticism that all women deserve to enjoy and look forward too. Share intimate loving sexual experiences. 

Why you should attend:

  • Feel more sexually empowered
  • Gain sexual confidence
  • Enjoy increased emotional/sexual Intimacy
  • Align sexual compatibility
  • Reignite your sex drive
  • Drop shame and guilt
  • Increase confidence, body-image and self-acceptance
  • Deepen your connection with your partner
  • Heighten pleasure
  • Hit the reset button 
  • Take your pleasure seriously

This workshop is for all women, of any shape or size, all levels of experience or inexperience. The only prerequisite is a mature, healthy, positive attitude towards having or increasing a healthy positive sex life.

You will NOT be required to do anything embarrassing or inappropriate at this workshop. Your willingness to share personal circumstances, experiences or thoughts with the group is completely voluntary and not required to get the most out of the day.


Your Biggest Erogenous Zone - Your Mind

Learn how your mind words to accept or reject suggestions and the role your thoughts play in your overall sexual health. 

Awaken Sexual Energy 

Learn how to take your sexual temperature, see how connected are you to your body and your pleasure. 

Bring Back The Joy Of Sex 

Learn how to connect to the sexual goddess that lives within each and every one of us.

Getting Your Feminine Sexual Juices Flowing 

Touch yourself without using your hands. A guided journey into how to use your biggest sexual organ - your brain - as a way of priming your body and pleasure. 

Emotional & Sexual Intimacy

You can influence the level of openness you have with people. Opening up and removing ourselves from the closed off, untrusting state. Taking calculated risks.

Exude Your Beauty & Reduce Shame / Body Issues

Dramatically increase your confidence even after the workshop is over. 

Fantasy, Desire & Communication - Lose Your Sexual Inhibitions

Getting honest with yourself and others. How to explore and accept your most private desires and communicate them to others. Learn how to have the conversation and to share and collaborate with your partner in a sexy, safe way. 

Orgasm Clinic

Increase the intensity of orgasm and set a new standard.

Please Note:

This workshop is for women only, because your pleasure starts with you.

This workshop does not deal with over coming trauma associated with sexual abuse or domestic violence. We recommend you seek more personalized counselling as a first step towards owning and reclaiming your sexual pleasure. However, if you feel ready, it can be a fantastic way to gain more advanced tools for your pleasure.

If you have any questions or concerns before buying your ticket please email us on

Tickets include: 

Workbook and discounted rates for Sex & Relationship Clinical Hypnotherapy & Coaching and future events.

Taught by Laura McGregor, CCHT - Clinical Hypnotherapy For Love, Sex and Intimacy

My name is Laura McGregor I’m a Clinical Certified Hypnotherapist with a specialism in Love, Sex and Intimacy for both individuals and couples. 

My passion is helping people eradicate the silence, repression and shame felt around sex and their bodies and replacing it with connection, self-acceptance, belonging, healthy intimacy and sexual expression. My purpose is to be an advocate for pleasure and sexual exploration as a tool for overall holistic wellness.

I have been through the trenches of my own emotional and sexual intimacy and with those of my clients. My sexuality, my experience of pleasure for myself and the pleasure I give to others. 

I have personally ridden the edges of all my comfort zones and pushed my boundaries in terms of self-love, self-acceptance, eroticism and kink. I have explored honestly what love, sex and intimacy are to me and I have learned a great deal in the shadows and in my connections and from watching my clients journey through the same. 

It’s these experiences and my training as a clinical hypnotherapist that qualifies me to be here today to create and share impactful, and lasting session tools and exercises that will be a catalyst for you to begin or deepen your own journey. 

Your sex life, like your health and happiness, is just another thing to take charge of. There are numerous health benefits of identifying and connecting with your sexual needs. This list combines the benefits and relates to all sexual stimulation (including masturbation) and orgasm for women. 

  • Boosts Your Immune System
  • Boosts Your Libido (the more you have it the more you want it)
  • Improves Bladder Control
  • Lowers Your Blood Pressure
  • Counts as Exercise
  • Lowers Heart Attack Risk
  • Lessens Pain
  • Improves Sleep
  • Relieves Stress
  • Burns Calories
  • Improves Cardiovascular Health
  • Strengthens Your Well-Being
  • Improves Intimacy and Relationships
  • Helps You Look Younger
  • Helps You Live Longer
  • Boosts Brain Power
  • Improves Self-Esteem & Boosts Confidence

“Belonging is the innate human desire to be part of something larger than us. Because this yearning is so primal, we often try to acquire it by fitting in and by seeking approval, which is not only hollow substitutes for belonging but often barriers to it. Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.” Brené Brown, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

Your relationship with yourself is the template for your relationships with others. It dictates the quality of all your relationships. We are not always connected to our own experience and because of this, we can have difficulty translating the depth of intimacy with others. Getting emotionally honest means that we can speak from our experience as opposed to our thoughts.

So often we give our sexuality away, it becomes connected to our partner or past trauma out of this desire for belonging and therefore we form a kind of co-dependence on another person’s energy or behaviour to inspire it. Have you ever heard yourself say something like “I’d want sex if he would just”. In long term relationships, sex can be a challenge to keep fresh. Often even a negotiation tool for getting other things we want like the dishes done or worse it becomes more like a treat on his birthday or other special occasions. It’s no wonder we can lose our desire for sex.

Low desire is not a disease, but rather a symptom of something out of balance in life and/or relationship. Hypnotherapy and coaching will help you tap into your inner sexuality and apply it to any time and any place you want in your future. 

The very act of taking time for yourself relaxing and connecting to your mind and body through relaxing hypnosis will help you not only reclaim but ignite your inner sexual self. 

I’d like you to see these sessions together as a beautifully engraved invitation for you to gently, respectfully press the edges of your comfort zone with the aim of revealing and expressing instead of repressing or shaming. To step into intimacy with yourself and learn what it means to be your real authentic sexual self. 

It’s here you can experience real growth in a safe space to explore what we don't normally speak about. To learn how to create an intimate moment with another person through the intimacy you create with yourself. 

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy, utilizes the heightened awareness of the hypnotic state to help you move past your limiting beliefs, fears, phobias or any challenges that may be holding you back. 

During hypnotherapy, you remain in control. It is not possible for anyone to force you to do anything against your will, even under hypnosis. You will be tuned into the work at hand, and so may not pay attention to your surroundings, but you will always be in charge of your own actions, behaviours, and statements.

Hypnotherapy is not the same as being “knocked out.” Most people remember the things that occur during the hypnotic state, you will not be asleep or unconscious and you will be able to break the hypnotic trance at any time.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool for self-improvement. 

Hypnotherapy works by empowering you to change and update subconscious beliefs. Through hypnosis, we can reframe and update old beliefs – that quitting smoking, for instance, will be difficult and painful – and replace them with new, more helpful assumptions. 

Here’s a quick way to understand hypnotherapy: Hypnosis is a highly relaxed mental state, in which we bypass the critical mind. In other words, the mind is relaxed and ready to learn; the mind becomes much more susceptible to suggestion.

In deeply relaxed hypnosis, we can override these automatic thoughts, and update this thinking with new suggestions. Hypnosis works by allowing us to alter our unconscious thought processes to help us achieve specific goals. Simply stated, hypnosis empowers you to change your unconscious thoughts. 

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